โรงเรียนมัธยมแคนาดา Camp River School District
About Campbell River School District
โรงเรียนมัธยมในเขต Campbell River School District ตั้งอยู่ที่เมือง Campbell River ทางตอนเหนือของเกาะ Vancouver Island
ข้อมูลเกี่ยวโรงเรียนมัธยมในเขต Campbell River School District
High Schools:
Academic Programs:
I. Cultural Experience Program (3 - 10 Months):
II. High School Graduation Program
All programs include:
- Ages: 14 to 18 years*
- Arrival Times: September
- British Columbia Graduation called the Dogwood Diploma
- Students with intermediate or beginner English will enroll in our English language learning class and three high school classes. As soon as their English ability improves, students will be registered into classes that earn BC graduation credit.
- Students are encouraged to participate in our program activities and they can also join school clubs or community activities.
- *Students must turn 14 years old by Dec. 31 of the year they enroll; students must be under the age of 19 by July 1 of their final year.
- **All students must write our English assessment test upon arrival to determine their English placement. Students require three or four years to earn BC graduation. Students will not be accepted for less than 3 years in a Graduation Program.
All programs include:
- Airport pick up in Campbell River (YBL).
- Two Day Orientation in first semester.
- Welcome and Farewell Parties; monthly lunch meetings; some local activities.
- Course fees, textbooks, workbooks & School locker rental.
- Personalized course selection guidance.
- Graduation Club: four supervised sessions to research and apply to Canadian universities.
- English support class for students who require additional help.
- Assistance with receiving equivalency credits from home country.
- Opportunities to gain experience needed for university scholarships, such as community service or extracurricular activities.
- Peer support network.
- Monthly check-ins.
- Twice monthly social activities.
- Four reports to natural parents/agents.
Sports Teams:
Extra-Curricular Classes:
- Soccer
- Basketball
- Volleyball
- Golf
- Rugby
- Football
- Badminton
- Cross-Country Running
- Track and Field
- Wrestling
- PE Volleyball
- PE Basketball
- PE Soccer
- PE Baseball
- PE Body Zen
- Beach Volleyball
- Fields PE
- Gamers Guild
- Interact (Youth Rotary)
- Garden Club
- Outdoor Club
- Global Issues
- Tennis
- Chess
- Teen Flight
- Outdoor Discoveries Program 9
- Outdoor Recreation
- Outdoor Program
- Stream to Sea (Marine Biology)
- Forestry
- Yearbook
- Robotics
- Arts, Metal Art, Design
- Culinary Art
- Woodworking
- Computer Programming
- Digital Photography
- Guitar
- Digital Media
- 3D Computer Animation
- Game Programming Design
- Video Production
- Extreme Filming
Extra-Curricular Classes:
- Leadership
- Sports Leadership
- Acting and Musical Theatre
- Concert & Jazz Band
- Choir