สถาบัน University of Windsor
โปรแกรม Industrial Engineering M.A.Sc.; M.Eng.
(เมือง Windsor, รัฐ Ontario)
About University of Windsor
มหาวิทยาลัยวินเซอร์เป็นมหาวิทยาลัยรัฐชั้นนำของประเทศแคนาดา ได้ถูกก่อตั้งในปี 1857 ในนาม Assumption College และ ได้ก่อตั้งเป็นมหาวิทยาลัยวินเซอร์ในปี 1962
- สถาบันตั้งอยู่ใจกลางเมืองวินเซอร์
- เพียง 3 ชั่วโมงจากเมืองโตรอนโต้
- สถาบันติดกับแม่น้ำ Detriot River และ เขตเมือง Windsor Detriot Metropolitan area เพียงข้ามสะพานจะถึงประเทศสหรัฐอเมริกา ถือว่าที่ตั้งเหมาะเป็นอย่างยิ่งสำหรับท่านที่สนใจที่จะศึกษา พร้อมหาประสบการณ์ในประเทศแคนาดา และ สหรัฐอเมริกา
Why choose University of Windsor?
- มหาวิทยาลัยวินเซอร์มีชื่อเสียง และ คุณภาพการศึกษาดีเยี่ยม (High Academic Excellence)
- คณาจารย์ และ นักศึกษามาจากทั่วโลก (Truly international)
- หลากหลายโปรแกรมที่น่าสนใจในระดับ ปริญญาตรี ปริญญาโท และ ปริญญาเอก
- หลากหลายสาขาการเรียน
- ได้สัมผัสทั้งประเทศแคนาดา และ ประเทศอเมริกา ซึ่งห่างเพียงไม่กี่นาทีข้ามสะพาน Ambassador bridge (Enjoy the best of both worlds, Canada & USA)
- สามารถทำงานระหว่างเรียนได้ 20 hours/ week
- สามารถทำงานหลังเรียนจบอย่างถูกต้องตามกฎหมาย
About Industrial Engineering M.A.Sc.; M.Eng.
Mechanical engineers are responsible for the design, analysis, construction, maintenance, and operation of machines and systems in a number of industry sectors, such as automotive, aerospace, power generation, manufacturing, steel, and pulp and paper. Mechanical engineers commonly go beyond the limits of purely mechanical work, and are found at all levels of management in private industry and the public sector.
The University of Windsor offers two master-level engineering programs — the Master of Engineering (MEng) and the Master of Applied Science (MASc). The MEng is a course-based program designed for working professionals or recent graduates who want to increase their knowledge in multiple, advanced topics. The MASc program is a research-based program that allows students to progress to the PhD level upon successful completion.
87-500. Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity
Analysis of stress and strain; elastic and plastic stress-strain relations; general equations of elasticity; yield criteria; applications to elastoplastic problems, including rotating disks, thick-walled tubes, reinforced disks, torsion of various shaped bars; stress concentration. (3 lecture hours a week.)
87-501. Finite Element Methods for Solids and Structures
Structural idealization; stress analysis of 2-D and 3-D solids; error estimation and mesh adaptivity; elastic formulations and uses of beam, plate and shell elements; nonlinear formulations; structural stability; introduction to finite element methods in structural design optimization. (3 lecture hours a week.) 87-502. Analysis and Design of Shell Structures General theory of thin shells. Membrane stresses in shells of revolution and shells of double curvature. Bending stresses in shells of revolution, cylindrical shells and folded plates. Design of cylindrical shell roofs. (Prerequisite: 87-500 or equivalent.) (3 lecture hours a week.)
87-505. Theory of Stability
This course is designed to give an insight into the basic phenomenon of structural stability. Elastic and plastic flexural-buckling of columns with axial and eccentric loads is studied. Energy and numerical methods are used. Stability functions are introduced and used to study trusses and rectangular frames, with and without sidesway. Some discussion of torsional and torsional-flexural buckling, lateral buckling of beams. (3 lecture hours a week.)
87-511. Prestressed Concrete
Materials, principles of prestressing systems; prestressing losses; analytical treatment of the effect of shrinkage, creep of concrete, and cable friction on stresses; analysis and design of statically determinate and indeterminate structures; design codes; research background; introduction to prefabricated concrete structures. (3 lecture hours a week.)
87-513. Structural Dynamics
Formulation of equations of motion; single degree-of-freedom systems: free vibration response and response to harmonic, periodic, impulse, and general dynamic loading; analysis of non-linear structural response; multi degree-of-freedom systems: equations of motion, structural property matrices, undamped free vibration, Raleigh's method, forced vibration response, practical vibration analysis; continuous systems: partial differential equations of motion, analysis of undamped free vibration, analysis of dynamic response, wave propagation analysis. (3 lecture hours a week.)
87-514. FRP Reinforced Concrete Structure
Advanced composite materials - constituents and products; structural applications, reinforced concrete members, prestressed concrete members, applications with chopped fibres, repair and rehabilitation; innovative applications. (3 lecture hours a week.)
87-519. Advances in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Applications
Consolidation and improvement methods; compressibility of soils and application of new modification techniques; frost action in soils; design of gravity, cantilever and mechanically stabilized retaining walls; recent advances in the bearing capacity of foundations on reinforced soils; pile foundations and pile groups; machine foundations on piles. (3 lecture hours a week.)
87-521. Hydrology
Analysis and synthesis of the hydrograph. Streamflow routing. The hydrograph as a function of drainage characteristics; estimation of runoff from meteorological data. Snowmelt. Flow in rivers with an ice cover. Infiltration theory. Sea water intrusion in coastal aquifers. Application of hydrologic techniques including statistical methods. (3 lecture hours a week.)
87-522. River Mechanics
Theory and analysis of uniform, gradually varied, rapidly varied and steady and unsteady flow in open channels; fluvial processes; design of channels; design of hydraulic control structures. (3 lecture hours a week.)
87-523. Ground Water Contamination
Introduction of Darcy's equation and governing equation; construction of flownets, flow quantification, and ground water resource evaluation; contaminant hydrogeology, mass transport equations, reaction, and adsorption; introduction to biodegradation and natural attenuation; simulation of ground water flow and transport. (3 lecture hours a week.)
87-524. Advanced Hydromechanics
Properties of scalar and vector fields; gradiant, divergence and curl. Flow visualization. Flow kinematics: continuity equation, potential flow, stream function. Flow dynamics: transport theorems, integral and differential equations of motion. Boundary-layer theory. Turbulent flow and turbulence models. (3 lecture hours a week.)
87-526. Sediment Transport
Regime approach; turbulence theories; suspended sediment; tractive force method; bedforms and bedload transport; the Einstein method; modified Einstein method; reservoir siltation; recent developments; design of mobile bed channels; design of sedimentation basins; channel degradation. (3 lecture hours a week.)
87-590. Special Topics In Civil Engineering
Selected advanced topics in the field of civil engineering. (3 lecture hours a week.)
87-595. Graduate Seminar
Presentations by graduate students, faculty and visiting scientists on current research topics. This course will provide students the opportunity to recognize new developments and technology in the field, to critique others’ findings and to construct and present their ideas and results. Full time graduate students are required to register in every semester offered and give a presentation in the semester prior to thesis defence. All graduate students are expected to attend each and every seminar and no less than 75% of all seminars. This course will be graded on a PASS/FAIL basis (1 lecture hour a week) (Also offered as 93-595)
87-796. Major Paper
87-797. Thesis
87-798. Dissertation
Admission Requirements:
English: one of the following
- TOEFL: 220, IBT-83 for M.A.Sc. 237, IBT-92 for M.Eng. (Course work stream)
- IELTS: 6.5
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(778) 995-4763, (604) 716-0478
พี่ ๆ ทีมงานยินดีพร้อมประสานงานและบริการการสมัครวีซ่าประเทศแคนาดาและวีซ่าอเมริกาอย่างครบวงจรค่ะ นอกจากนี้จะมีทีมงานต้อนรับและศูนย์แปซิฟิคสาขาเมืองแวนคูเวอร์ค่ะ